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Bylaws of the International Association for Communication and Sport



The name of the organization shall be the International Association for Communication and Sport.  This name was agreed upon by the Executive Committee of the Summit on Communication and Sport through an electronic vote finalized on July 29, 2011.


ARTICLE 2: Mission and Objectives


Section 2.1—Mission Statement.  The International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS) is dedicated to the practice, instruction, and study of sport as a communicative phenomenon.  The IACS is committed to academic inquiry and pedagogy that reflects the full range of methods, theories, and contexts represented by scholars of communication and media as well as professionals and practitioners of sport communication.
Section 2.2—Objectives.  The IACS intends to support its mission through activities that develop, evaluate, critique, and apply communication principles in sporting contexts.  Specific objectives include:

a.supporting research and scholarship in communication and sport;
b.promoting pedagogy, instruction, and curriculum development of communication and sport in higher education;
c.identifying successful communicative practices to be recommended for adoption in applied contexts;
d.building relationships between academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and organizations in sports media, marketing, and promotions;
e.cultivating an international approach to the study of communication and sport, including opportunities for greater collaboration among colleagues beyond North America;
f.issuing appropriate comments or position statements about public matters that implicate the relationship between communication and sport.


Section 2.3—Core Functions and Programs.  The IACS shall conduct a number of core activities, including but not limited to:

a. Journal.  The IACS shall sponsor the publication of a peer-reviewed academic journal.  The IACS shall contract with a major publisher and provide monetary support to the publisher.  A journal subscription will be included as a benefit of association membership.  Journal subscriptions will be available to non-members at a non-member rate.
b. Conference.  The IACS shall sponsor an annual conference, the Summit on Communication and Sport.  The IACS shall provide monetary and resource support, conference planning expertise, and host support.
c. Membership Directory.  The IACS shall provide a directory that includes contact information and relevant professional information of all members to promote networking and resource-sharing among members.  The directory shall be available online to members only.
d. Website and Listserv.  The IACS shall maintain its own website and listserv.


ARTICLE 3: Membership and Dues


Section 3.1—Membership Qualifications.  Membership in the IACS is open to all persons who subscribe to and promote the objectives set forth in these bylaws and who pay the annual dues.  The IACS shall not discriminate in any way against members or potential members on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, nationality, ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation.

Section 3.2—Membership Categories.  The Executive Board shall have the authority to create membership categories as needed. Membership fees will be based on tiered structure for the following categories:

a. One-year and five-year regular membership

b. One-year independent scholar membership

c. One-year student membership

d. One-year organizational membership

e. Five-year organizational membership

f.  Emeritus/Retired membership


Section 3.3—Membership Benefits and Rights.  All membership categories shall entail benefits and rights as determined by the Board of Directors (see ARTICLE 4).  Initial membership categories shall have the following benefits and rights:

a.Individual members (founding, regular, and student) shall receive the following benefits as part of their annual dues:

i. one subscription to the journal sponsored by the association;
ii. one discounted registration for the Summit on Communication and Sport;
iii. access to the online member directory; and
iv. other members-only benefits established by the Board of Directors.

b. Individual members (founding, regular, and student) shall have the right to:

i. one vote in the election of the Board of Directors;
ii. one vote on matters presented at meetings or in other forums for the consideration of membership by the Board of Directors, including amendments to the bylaws;
iii. run for election to serve as Officers or Members of the Board of Directors;
iv. chair or participate in standing or ad hoc committees or task groups; and
v. any rights and privileges provided elsewhere in these bylaws or designated by the Board of Directors.

c. Organizational members shall receive the following benefits as part of their annual dues:

i. one subscription to the journal sponsored by the association;
ii. access to the online member directory; and
iii. other members-only benefits established by the Board of Directors.

d.Organizational members shall have the right to:

i. specified rights and privileges provided elsewhere in these bylaws or designated by the Board of Directors.

e. Organizational members shall not have the right to:

i. vote in IACS elections or on matters presented for vote;
ii. run for or hold elected positions or positions in standing or ad hoc committees or task groups; or
iii. use the member directory or contact members for purposes not directly in keeping with the mission and objectives of this association.


Section 3.4—Membership Limitations.  Membership does not include any right, title, or interest in or to the property of the IACS.

Section 3.5—Termination.  Membership and all rights and benefits of membership shall automatically terminate upon a member’s death, resignation, or failure to pay dues as required.  A member terminated because of voluntary resignation or failure to pay dues may reapply at any time.

Section 3.6—Dues.  Members shall pay annual dues in an amount established by the Board of Directors, taking into account members’ status (regular, student, organizational, etc.), as well as nation of residence.  Members shall receive a renewal notice prior to membership expiration.  Annual membership dues shall be used to support IACS objectives, functions, programs, governing processes, and other matters as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3.7—Membership Year.  All memberships shall begin January 1 and end on December 31 each year.  Dues paid after January shall be retroactive for the calendar year in which membership is requested.


ARTICLE 4: Board of Directors and Officers


Section 4.1—Composition. The Board of Directors shall consist of ten members, with every effort made to represent the educational, methodological, and international diversity of the association. Four members of the Board are Directors, who shall be elected by the voting membership. The remaining four Board positions are Past Chair, Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Communications Director, and Graduate Student Representative, each of whom shall also be elected by the voting membership in separate ballots.
Section 4.2—Officers.  There shall be seven Officers of the Board.  Officer positions and their duties are:

a. Chair.  The Chair of the Board shall arrange, convene, and preside over Board meetings, including the annual Business Meeting.  The Chair shall also assist with coordination of tasks within each committee and among committees.  The Chair will serve for two years.
b. Past Chair. Upon completion of their terms, Chairs will assume the role of Past Chair for two years.  The Past Chair will provide advice and assistance to the Chair and Vice Chair as requested

c. Vice-Chair.  The Vice-Chair shall be chosen every two years through a direct election by association members.  The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair, serve in the Chair’s absence, and head the Nominating Committee.  The Vice-Chair will serve in that office for two years, and then will succeed the Chair.
d. Secretary.  The Secretary shall be chosen every two years by the Board from among its elected members.  The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Board decisions and actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of meeting agendas and minutes to each Board member, and assuring that records of the Board’s actions are maintained.
e. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be elected by the voting membership. In order to ensure financial security and continuity, the Treasurer position will be occupied by the elected person until he or she no longer desires to serve or until the Board determines by a majority vote that the membership should elect a new Treasurer. The Treasurer shall make a financial report at each Board meeting, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to Board members and to the public.
f. Communications Director. The Communications Director shall be elected by the voting membership. In order to ensure strategic planning and continuity, the Communications Director position will be occupied by the elected person until he or she no longer desires to serve or until the Board determines by a majority vote that the membership should elect a new Communications Director. The Communications Director shall, in coordination with the Communications Committee, maintain the IACS website (, and the Communication and Sport listserv (, maintain the association’s social media presence on sites including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter, and develop communication and marketing strategies to promote the mission of IACS.

g. Graduate Student Representative:  The Graduate Student Representative shall be chosen every two years through a direct election by association members. Candidates for the position of Graduate Student Representative must be a graduate student at the time they are elected to the position. The Graduate Student Representative will assist the Board by representing the interest of graduate students.


Section 4.3—Functions.  The Board of Directors shall be responsible for overall policy and direction of the IACS and shall delegate responsibility of day-to-day operations to the Executive Director.  Directors shall participate in all Board meetings.  Directors shall also provide leadership to and oversight of the association by serving in officer positions and/or by chairing or actively participating in committees and task groups related to the operations of the association in fulfillment o f its mission.  The Board shall openly communicate its processes and decisions to IACS members through email, the association website, and other mechanisms.

Section 4.4—Elections.  The IACS shall hold elections for the office of Vice-Chair and Graduate Student Representative, as well as open positions in the Board of Directors, every other year, and other times as needed to fill open positions.

a. Election process.  Elections shall be administered through an online voting process.  Prior to the election, the Vice-Chair shall send out a call for self-nominations for Vice-Chair, Graduate Student Representative, and open Board positions.  After nominations are closed, the Secretary shall send out electronic ballots containing the names of all candidates to all voting members.  Completed ballots must be received by the Secretary by a due date established by the Secretary.  The Vice-Chair, Graduate Student Representative, and individual Directors shall be chosen by a simple plurality of cast votes. In the case of a tie for any of the elected positions, a run off election among the tied candidates will be conducted within 30 days of the end of the initial election. The run off election will last one week. This cycle will continue until a winner emerges.
b. Terms.  Elected Directors shall serve four-year terms.  The same individual shall be eligible to run for re-election for up to two consecutive terms or eight years of consecutive service.  Following a hiatus of two years, the member may again run for election.
c. Leadership continuity.  To ensure continuity in leadership after elections, the three members of the Executive Committee for the Summit on Communication and Sport will serve two year terms for the Founding Board.  The three candidates receiving the most votes from the membership will be appointed to four year terms.  In the event that one of the Executive Committee members is elected as Chair or Vice-chair, the four candidates receiving the most votes from the membership will be appointed to the Board, with the three receiving the most votes appointed to four year terms.
d. The terms of each incoming slate of elected Directors/Officers will begin July 1 during the year in which the election takes place. Elections will take place in the Spring prior to the July 1 term start date.


Section 4.5—Compensation.  Directors shall receive no compensation other than for reasonable expenses related to the execution of IACS responsibilities.

Section 4.6—Voting.  All Directors on the Board shall be voting members.  Two-thirds of the Directors of the Board must be in participation, in-person or virtually, in a meeting to constitute a quorum.  Proxies shall not be accepted.  Meetings that are without a quorum may propose resolutions that are to be voted upon in the next meeting having a quorum.  Unless noted otherwise in the bylaws, decisions of the Board shall be determined by a simple majority.  In the event of a tie, the Chair of the Board shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 4.7—Conflicts of interest.  Any member of the Board having a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, shall offer to the Board to voluntarily excuse     her/himself and shall vacate her or his seat and refrain from discussion and voting on said matter.

Section 4.8—Resignation and termination.  Director positions may be vacated before the end of a term due to resignation or termination.  Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Secretary.  A Director shall be terminated from the Board for two unexcused absences from Board meetings within the tenure of any given term.  Directors may be removed for other reasons, such as failure to lead or actively participate in and contribute to committees or task groups and/or failure to otherwise contribute to the leadership to and oversight of the IACS, by a three-fourths vote of the remaining Directors.

Section 4.9—Mid-term vacancies.  If a vacancy on the Board occurs mid-term, the Secretary shall solicit and receive nominations from the Board for a replacement Director.  These nominations shall be sent in advance to all Board members to be voted upon at the next Board meeting.  Replacement appointments shall complete only the remainder of the vacated term.  If more than one year remains in the term, the Board may call for a special membership-wide election to fill the position to complete the term.


ARTICLE 5: Executive Director


Section 5.1—Executive Director.  The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board.  The Executive Director shall manage the day-to-day responsibilities of the organization, including, but not limited to, carrying out the association’s policies, keeping the association’s records, creating and maintaining the annual membership directory, supporting the work of the Board and committees, and coordinating and promoting volunteer and committee activities in support of the association’s mission.  The Executive Director may delegate responsibility for specific aspects of the management of affairs while holding accountable the parties to whom responsibility has been assigned.  The Executive Director shall attend all Board meetings, report on the progress of the organization, answer questions of the Board members, and carry out the duties described in the job description.  The Executive Director shall not vote on matters before the Board.

Section 5.2—Accountability and Compensation.  The Executive Director shall be accountable to the Board of Directors through a regular reporting process and annual evaluations, and shall be eligible for reappointment on an annual basis.  The Board shall be authorized to compensate the Executive Director on an hourly or salaried basis as needed.

Section 5.3—Term.  The Executive Director shall not have a predetermined term of service. A new Executive Director shall be appointed upon the resignation of the current Executive Director or at the discretion of the board.


ARTICLE 6: Committees


Section 6.1—Standing Committees.  The Board of Directors may establish Standing Committees as deemed necessary to carry out and sustain the long term strategic objectives of the IACS.  Standing Committees shall be initially chaired by a founding Director of the Board and shall be chaired by a Director at any time that a Committee is lacking leadership or if a Director is chosen by Committee members to act as Chair.

a. Nominating and Elections Committee.  The Nomination and Elections Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and shall be responsible for assisting the Board in developing criteria for selecting nominees and for recruiting, screening, and presenting Board candidates to the membership for election.  The Committee shall assist the Secretary of the Board in conducting elections.
b. Membership and Outreach Committee.  The Membership and Outreach Committee shall be charged with assisting the Executive Director in all aspects of membership management, including the annual membership directory, and with promoting and actively seeking to grow the membership, including international networking and bridging academic and professional or practitioner interests.
c. Summit Planning Committee.  The Summit Planning Committee shall include the current and immediate past host for the Summit on Communication and Sport.  It shall be responsible for soliciting and selecting hosts and sites for the Summit on Communication and Sport, supporting the host and conference during its planning and implementation stages, and promoting broad participation from a variety of international and vocational sectors.
d. Communications Committee.  The Communications Committee shall be chaired by the Communications Director.  It shall, under the leadership of the Communications Director, maintain the IACS website (, and the Communication and Sport listserv (, maintain the association’s social media presence on sites including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter, and develop communication and marketing strategies to promote the mission of IACS.


Section 6.2—Ad Hoc Committees and Task Groups.  The Board of Directors may establish Ad Hoc Committees and short-term Task Groups as deemed necessary to plan and/or implement programs or to explore issues that may have an impact on the mission or objectives of the IACS.


ARTICLE 7: Meetings


Section 7.1—Meetings.  The Board of Directors shall hold biannual meetings to review policy and address IACS issues, including an annual Business Meeting to be held in conjunction with the Summit on Communication and Sport.  With the exception of the annual Business Meeting, the Board may choose to hold all meetings virtually/electronically.  The Board may also hold additional meetings as needed.  Meetings shall be open to all IACS members unless the Board votes with good cause to hold a meeting or certain parts of a meeting closed to discuss confidential business.


a. Business Meetings.  An annual Business Meeting shall be held to report to the general membership, receive reports from Officers and committees of the IACS, install elected Directors of the association, set membership dues, and resolve other matters including those referred to it by the Executive Director.  This meeting shall coincide with the date and location of the Summit on Communication and Sport.


Section 7.2—Notification.  The time, date, and location of all meetings shall be announced to all members of the Board and general membership of the IACS in advance of each meeting via mail or electronic mail.

Section 7.3—Attendance.  The Board shall make efforts to develop and allow for virtual/electronic attendance of meetings for all members of the IACS.


ARTICLE 8: Voting


Section 8.1—Eligibility.  The voting membership shall be comprised of those individuals who are in good standing as indicated by their membership status and type under Article 3.

Section 8.2—Decisions.  All decisions calling for votes shall, except as stated otherwise in the bylaws, be taken by a simple majority.  Whenever a vote is evenly divided, the vote of the Chair of the Board or Committee shall be decisive.

Section 8.3—Proxies.  No proxies shall be accepted.

Section 8.4—Voting method.  All voting for the election of Directors of the Board or to amend the bylaws shall be by mail or electronic ballot among the voting members of the IACS.  The Board of Directors shall determine when or if matters before the Board should be voted upon by the general membership.


a. Mail and electronic ballots.  In order to be valid, ballots must be received by the Secretary on or before the date specified on the ballot. 


ARTICLE 9: Finances


Section 9.1—Financial resources.  The IACS shall be financed by founding memberships, annual membership dues, the Summit on Communication and Sport, and other lawful means.

Section 9.2—Reimbursement.  The Treasurer of the Board shall be responsible for decisions about reimbursement for expenses incurred by the Executive Director, Directors of the Board, Committee Chairs, or others who carry out work for the IACS.

Section 9.3—Non-profit status.  The IACS shall seek legal status as a non-profit organization under U.S. federal tax law—a 501(c)(3).  Any profits or capital shall be used solely in accordance with U.S. federal tax law pertaining to non-profit organizations.


ARTICLE 10: Ratification and Amendments


Section 10.1—Association ratification.  These bylaws of the IACS shall be posted on the association website immediately following the conclusion of the 5th Summit on Communication and Sport in 2012.  The bylaws were ratified through a vote of the IACS membership on August 1, 2012.

Section 10.2—Proposals to amend.  Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by majority vote of the Board of Directors or by any standing committee of the IACS or by a petition signed by at least ten percent of the voting membership.

Section 10.3—Voting procedures.  A proposed amendment shall be voted on no more than three months after the amendment is proposed.  Amendments initiated as per Section 10.2 shall be distributed to all members of the Association for vote by mail or electronic ballot.

Section 10.4—Adoption of amendments.  These bylaws may be amended or new bylaws adopted by a two-thirds vote of the voting members of the IACS.  Unless otherwise specified, a proposed amendment becomes effective as soon as it has been approved by the vote of the members.

a. Bylaws modification.  Prior to ratification these bylaws may be modified by a two-thirds vote of Directors present at any Board meeting having a quorum participating.


ARTICLE 11: Dissolution


Section 11.1—Process.  The IACS may be dissolved by a three-fourths majority of the Board of Directors.  Amendments or a proposal to dissolve must be advertised to all members of the association six months in advance.  Such notification must contain the full written text of the amendment being proposed.

Section 11.2—Liquidation.  A resolution to dissolve the IACS shall name those persons who shall be charged with the liquidation of the association’s assets and properties.

Section 11.3—Distribution of Assets.  In the event that the IACS shall be hereinafter dissolved, the assets of the association shall be distributed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the association is incorporated.

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